Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 733 through 738 (of 5,274 total)
  • Author
    • #339307

      Hi, my name is Michelle I’m on a journey of spirituality.

    • #339288

      I am Vertishron Zelish Enigmatish you can call me Ron and I am a youngster looking to connect to people that can help me learn more about spirituality in a deeper level more likely hypnosis , mind control , light language and starseeds  so you can add me sc: soul.learning ( snap chat )

    • #339263
      David Philip Daiha

      I am David Philip Daiha from Nigeria. I have spent years researching and trying to know yhe absolute truth about myself, the universe and our interdependent relationship and at last, the Kabala has given me the light and shown me the right path to follow. I wish to reach the highest enlightnement that a human can attain in service of humanity. Thank you for this wonderful and priceless opportunity.

    • #339254
      Bridgette Smith

      Hi Everyone I am looking forward to Enlightenment and Wisdom on my Journey to Self

    • #339183

      unlock wisdom and truth

    • #339166


      Qabalah has been apart of my beliefs for 30 years or so.  In and out, yet always there.  Like the root that grows in any space that does not resist, never going away. The Mandel Braut Set set free in ones imagination, for that is what is needed to nourish the seed of Qabalah.  What feeds the seed and what it is fed determines the rate and quality of growth.  I am ready for fresh nutrients.

      Randall Zahn

      Boulder, Co

Viewing 6 posts - 733 through 738 (of 5,274 total)
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