Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 763 through 768 (of 5,274 total)
  • Author
    • #338734
      sandra romig

      Hello,I’m Sandra and I am deeply interested in the Kaballah as I believe it holds the answers to all of life’s questions. I have studied astrology, the I Ching, some Numerology and tarot for many years, I recently became aware of the Human Design model and find it bringing all of the above studies together. I think the kaballah will be the key to everything.

      I’m a retired Social Worker and a Reiki Practitioner. I love helping others. I also play violin, guitar and have recently begun learning to pick the banjo.

      I have a big German Shepherd named Matilda. She’s a huge part of my life and brings me great joy.

      I look forward to getting to know everyone and discovering more about the kaballah!

    • #338718
      Tara Lee

      Hello, I am Sarah. I have always wanted to study Kabbalah and now is the time.

    • #338707

      Hi, my name is Johan, and I live in Stockholm, Sweden.

      Looking much forward to diving into the knowledge of Kabbalah as a complement to other interests I have in consiousness and energy work.

    • #338669

      Hey I’m V! I feel lead here by my recent awakening. Hoping to get to know and grow myself. Also hoping to get closer to God. I’m excited to go on this journey with everyone.

    • #338655

      Hi I am Nina from Rome, Italy. I am looking forward to learning, understanding myself, others and the world better and walking a spiritual path.

    • #338641
      Omid Emanuel

      Hello everyone. My name is Omid. I love studying Kabbalah personally, but I am here for more disciplined learning. I hope this course leads me more and more to get to know the upper world.

Viewing 6 posts - 763 through 768 (of 5,274 total)
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