Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 901 through 906 (of 5,881 total)
  • Author
    • #375397

      Greetings. I am called Lehanna. Super excited to receive what HaShem would have revealed in this space while connecting with others doing the same. Peace

    • #375248

      Hello, I am Bal from London, United Kingdom. I am so excited to be on this course to learn not just the theory but to also learn to practice Kabbalah as a way of life.

    • #375233
      Jason Conyer

      Hi everyone.. my name is Jason i have been studying the teachings of Ramana Maharshi /Adviata Vedanta (the mountain path/ middle way) for many years.This arose due to a glimpse of the divine after much work on the ego self through the 12 steps of AA balancing heart, mind and soul.
      Have been drawn to these teachings as I feel it will help in a practical way for me to learn how to walk and talk the middle way and by helping myself I can maybe one day help others.

    • #375116
      Ordin Zabek

      Hello, my name is Ordin and I’m super pumped to connect with friends.

    • #375115

      My name is Bridget,

      HaShem has lead me here on this journey and I am hoping this is my missing link.  I believe I have a Jewish soul as I have only studied Torah only.  I have always wanted to be around like minded people however I have always been alone because my family grew up in Christianity.  I just lost my mom which was a piece of my heart on  May 18th 2024.  I long to be closer to HaShem in anyway I can.  I am and thinker and will need to test this out as I have no trust in man as we ruin everything we put our hands on without HaShem.

    • #375095

      Hello, I’m from England and i would like to learn more about religion and philosophy. I wish to know more about God and his servants.

Viewing 6 posts - 901 through 906 (of 5,881 total)
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