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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 913 through 918 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #399142

      Hello, I’m Claudia. I’ve been living in Portugal for 23 years. I am happy because I have my family, but I still don’t enjoy a peaceful and prosperous life. I feel like I should already be at a stage where I can reap the rewards of my hard work, but those rewards still require a lot of care and effort. Sometimes, I worry about achieving financial stability, as time seems to pass and we haven’t managed to save much due to urgent needs that come up with each job. My hope is to one day live a comfortable, peaceful life without having to rely on my children in my old age. I am still searching for clarity on what God wants from me, and I hope to find answers to guide me toward that path.

    • #399128

      Good day, I’m Jazz i hoped to learn more about spirituality and i found Kabbalah interesting. Thank you for allowing me to join.

    • #399126

      Hi! My name is Tina. I’m originally from Brazil but living in Barcelona for over 10 years. I’ve always read a lot about Kabbalah in several books and followed the Berg family’s teachings. I feel I need to dive deeper.

    • #399125

      Hello my name is Ian, from the UK. I’ve always known that I had a purpose, always had the feeling that there is more to life than just this physical plain. But life as we know it, has torn me down and pushed that feeling aside. The thing is, I’ve never had the answers and don’t truly know what that feeling is/was. I’m hoping to reopen that thirst for knowledge I once had and learn as much as possible from every walk of life. Thank you 😀

    • #399113
      Parker Covey

      Hi I’m Parker I’m trying to get as much knowledge I can about life

    • #399110

      Hello I’m Jordan from the US. My brain is hungry for knowledge and I like to see everything from all points of view.

Viewing 6 posts - 913 through 918 (of 6,426 total)
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