Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 949 through 954 (of 6,434 total)
  • Author
    • #398882

      Hello: My name is Alfredo. The Kabbalah is a topic that have always fascinated me. For me, the growth of knowledge  related  to the spiritual evolution and a better understanding about purpose in the universe is my deepest passion.

    • #398875

      Hello from Australia !

      I’m Kate and I’m here to learn Kabbalah to:
      * help enlighten me,
      * to make sense of a world that makes less sense everyday,
      * why and how things happen – there has to be a bigger picture,
      * point me in the right direction of my true purpose in this life time.
      Cheers ! xo

    • #398872

      Hi my name is Ariella I’m from England

      I would like to learn more about life  I would like to understand things better so life is more

      Thank you

    • #398856

      Hi. I am Mark Silveira. I read and study the Chumash daily and would like to delve deeper into the secrets of HaShem Elohai.

    • #398836

      Hi I’m Deon but grew up being called Linda or Lindani aswell which is on my BC. I have alot of questions that church couldn’t answer so I stopped going at 14 after so many bribes from my mother. Videos got me more intrigued and actually gave more insight but they r short and the books are not easy to find if they do share their references.


    • #398830

      Irin Har-el ,I have started my spirit journey few years ago….still I am craving deeper understanding .

Viewing 6 posts - 949 through 954 (of 6,434 total)
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