Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,819 through 1,824 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #359300

      Hi I’m Song and I’m here to learn more about this science. I already started using some of the principals and have seen lots of positive events.

    • #359202

      My name is Natasha Waseem, from Karachi Pakistan. I am searching for an answer that who am I , why am I here in this world, why am I suffering since my childhood. Why I don’t get clear signs or guidance from God / Divine Energy or Universe whatever you call it when I ask for guidance. ? I feel that because God never guided me I made wrong decisions in my life and I am still suffering. I feel lost and dead inside. 🥺😭

    • #359200

      Hello. My name is James. Originally from USA, but residing in Sweden. Thank you

    • #358858

      Hi everybody! I’m Bruna, from Brazil. I’m a seeker of understanding and connection. I want to dive deeper in what life is and I feel like Kabbalah can provide me a path.

    • #358403

      Hello. I am Suzette from Las Vegas USA.  I am Christian and

      G-d Said

      ‘But for lack of knowledge,  My people will Die”

      I want to live in G-d’s Light and spread it to others.

    • #358374

      Hello my name is Kennedy I live in zambia

Viewing 6 posts - 1,819 through 1,824 (of 6,419 total)
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