Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,819 through 1,824 (of 6,416 total)
  • Author
    • #358858

      Hi everybody! I’m Bruna, from Brazil. I’m a seeker of understanding and connection. I want to dive deeper in what life is and I feel like Kabbalah can provide me a path.

    • #358403

      Hello. I am Suzette from Las Vegas USA.  I am Christian and

      G-d Said

      ‘But for lack of knowledge,  My people will Die”

      I want to live in G-d’s Light and spread it to others.

    • #358374

      Hello my name is Kennedy I live in zambia

    • #358346

      Hello dear fellow students, this is Yasmin from Germany. Started studying Kabbalah with another school but it didn’t feel right after a while, then i found KabU. Looking forward to studying here. Wishing you all an amazing day, wherever you are and whenever you read this. 🙂

    • #358281

      Hello. I’m Nahid from London.  My yearning is to experience a deeper and fuller connection with the Creator, and unionwirh all that is.  This has led me through various spiritual teachings to Kabbalah, which echoes the same message. Whoever recognises their own Self, recognises their Creator. I’m excited to be sharing this journey with you all.

    • #358268

      Hello my name Jaime, currently living in Liverpool. I am seeker of wisdom.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,819 through 1,824 (of 6,416 total)
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