Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,993 through 1,998 (of 6,420 total)
  • Author
    • #336866

      Good morning. My name is Ernani and I am Brazilian. I am here to acquire the necessary knowledge to be able to evolve and transmit knowledge to my loved ones correctly.

    • #336847
      Caroline de Surany

      Hi, Im Caroline, my grand father was a Kabalist but i never met him, im curious to discover his world.

    • #336793

      Hi, I am Francisco, I have been studying kabbalah since 2018, and a would like to get a certification and to know other kabbalah students as well.

      • #336898
        Tammy Ardoin

        Hello Caroline. Nice to meet you! I hope you discover all you are looking for my friend.

    • #336791

      I’m Neutress, just curious about life purpose.

    • #336790

      HALLO saya kun dari indonesia dan saya tertarik berminat belahar kearifan kabalah untuk bisa belajar lebih dalam tentang hubungan makluk manusia dengan sang pencipta dengan benar ditinjau secara sains

    • #336787

      Hello, my name is Lisa from New York. I was guided to watch one of the videos of the Zohar and it really caught my attn. I started researching information and it has resonated with me. So wanted to learn more and was guided here. Hoping this course will give me the connection that I have been seeking.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,993 through 1,998 (of 6,420 total)
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