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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,263 through 2,268 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #330884

      Hello, my make is Keith.  I have studied several commentaries that seem to take me nowhere. Just led to more and more questions. I came upon this course from one of Tony’s YouTube videos. I need a structured approach to learn something I find fascinating. This spiritual journey. This desire to understand why we are here. I hope this course provides answers and brings me closer to what we all desire. Ultimate union with source.

    • #330880


      I have been a searching person all my life. I’ve walked a lot of esoteric paths. Unfortunately, I had a stroke at the beginning of this year. I’m making reasonable recovers. I would like my ratio to be less dominant and act more from my feelings.

      Warm regards Ramar

    • #330845

      Hi, my name is Joy and I am exploring enlightenment, a better way of living life. I am grateful for those willing to share the wisdom of Kabbulah.

    • #330805

      Hello, my name is Oscar. I’ve been reading some books about  kabbalah, I’ve found it very interesting and I’d like to delve into it more profoundly. Thank you for this opportunity of being here.

    • #330801

      Hello, I’m Ari  and I’m here for many of the same reasons as everyone else. The rabbi at my shul is considering leading a study of the Zohar sometime in late Oct, so I figured I’d get a head start.

    • #330780

      Good morning/evening:

      Long time watching/listening/reading & thinking about. Why Kabbalah?  maybe is that I need to know Hebrew language, or Aramaic or perhaps digging in some religions.

      Well I am here in a virtual reality, with virtual… every thing.

      Are we part of… What, with What, for What. I exist because YOU exist or is the other way around? In any case, do I will remain when you go, will you?

      In the Meanwhile… Regards… . Wait!!.  Is remembering the same reality or is a new one?

      I’m dying to find out!!!


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