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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,251 through 2,256 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #331223
      Larry Bambara


      Im Larry, I just want a clear understanding of what Kabballah is.

    • #331217

      I’m here to hopefully gain more understanding

    • #331196

      Hello everyone,

      my name is Diane and I started studying Kabbalah as a result of many years of study of the Bible as a Christian, then studying Torah for the last 14 years on my own through Chabad and YouTube because I was feeling that I needed deeper spiritual knowledge. I’m Canadian of Greek decent so going back to the Old Testament and studying some Hebrew so I can understand for myself eventually led me to Jewish faith, (though I never became Jewish) then to studying Tanya and eventually Kabbalah. It has been a long road of seeking to know truth mostly on my own. I live in Greece and during the lock downs I started meeting with four other like minded friends where we get together weekly and study concepts of Kabbalah from different books. I have followed your videos for over 2 years now and I thought that the time has come to join your classes! I look forward to studying with all of you! Thank you for the time and hard work you put in to make this invaluable wisdom available to every one.

    • #331172

      Hi, I’m Monica and from Illinois. Very new to the idea of Kabbalah. Just hoping to find something that will help me learn and grow spiritually.

    • #331113
      Juan Ocampo

      Hi I am Juan!

      I started this course (or the Spanish version) back in 2014. Almost 10 years after I remember about it and I am here to continue my learning process.

      Happy to be hear once again.


    • #331111

      Hello to All from the UK!

      My name is Gina.

      I am here to develop my metaphysical skills further and gain a better understanding of Kabbalistic practice.


Viewing 6 posts - 2,251 through 2,256 (of 6,426 total)
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