Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #328480


      I’m Virginia and Kab-Curious, lol.

      Open to be amazed, blessings 🙏🙌

    • #328425

      Hi everyone ! This is Andrew from LA, I started studying more than 20 years ago in Moscow with probably the first group as there were maybe 20 people altogether. After several years left Russia for good, lived in different countries, became a UK citizen in the meantime, and then moved to LA, In all those years never stopped studying, reading, participating, and looking forward to meeting new people and discovering new horizons. As per usual to be honest.

    • #328377

      Hello, this is Andre Watson, i’m a 19 year old in Florida and I have a strong desire to start encouraging my understanding of love through the learning of Kabbalistic principles.


    • #328340

      Hi everyone, my name is Tess Emdin and I live in Nahariya.  I made Aliya in 1967 and have lived in various cities in Israel.   I worked many years in the hotel industry and eventually landed up working for the British Embassy in Tel Aviv and then the Embassy of Sri Lanka.  I havelived in Batyam. Tel Aviv, Eilat Arad and now retired in Nahariya.  I have always been interested in Kabala and am glad that there is now an English speakers group.  Am hoping to learn as much as I can in order to change my life and make it better.

    • #328321
      Jack Davidsen

      Hello everybody, I’m Jack, and I live in Scandinavia, Europe.

      I have taken this course before but wasn’t able to stick with it, so I am grateful to have a chance to start afresh. Thank you to our instructors and to my fellow students for making this possible.

      Baruch HaShem.

    • #328319
      Arrion Johnson

      Hi, my name is Arrion. I aspire to utilize what I learn about the Kabbalah to make more sense of my calling and direction in life. The journey, thus far, has been a blessed one and I can only imagine what Source has for me to work with and integrate into this shared reality of the mundane.

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