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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,383 through 2,388 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #328033

      Hi everyone. I’m Frank from Tampa, FL. Looking forward to taking this course and learn how to apply Kabbalah for spiritual advancement and to establish a strong and clear connection with Creator.

    • #328026
      giovanni moncada


      Since a very young age I have been trying to better understand the laws of nature and the meaning of life through observation and the analysis of the influences and experiences I have lived. Through out my research I have stumbled upon the Kabbalah and was instantly drawn to it. Through this course I hope to attain a better understanding of the creator, a more practical and directed path, a better understanding of the ways he works and operates and how I can apply his wisdom to my life.

    • #327846


      I’m Dimitri, from a very young age I’ve been yearning to know God, what its nature is and draw near and experience it. I think for most of us seekers like me that brought us to hear about Kabbalah. I’m excited to learn this new wisdom and I hope and will bring the answers I’ve been looking for.

    • #327802

      Hello, I’m Simon. I’m new to Kabbalah, but I hope it will help me find a new purpose in my life.

    • #327799

      Hallo, My name is Jetze. I want to learn how we all and everything is connected. I hope i’m humble enough to receive the wisdom of Kabbalah.

    • #327781
      Taylor Glover

      Hi there,

      My name is Taylor and the wisdom of the Kabbalah is something I’ve been interested in for a while now but never knew where to start. There’s so much wisdom involved and I’m super excited for this course, I’m ready to unlock true human potential! Grateful to have found this course 🙂

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