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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,383 through 2,388 (of 5,895 total)
  • Author
    • #314653
      Ari kirk

      Hello Friends. My name is Ari. Life long seeker of wisdom and mystery, especially about my own nature and purpose within the larger context. Looking forward to finally diving into the Kabbalah.

    • #314621
      Rose Fier

      Hello Dear Ones  My name is Rose I am a 58 yr old Energy MediZine Worker also a Two Spirit Queer Soul.  I am so excited and blessed I found this platform.   My journey has been so interesting.   Many many years ago I was lead to study Kabbalah but was pulled away and the resources I was finding at the time did not resonate with my soul.  So far here I truly feel so loved, accepted and received.    I grew up in Catholism… and journyed thru many spiritual religions..  All I have proved to self is LOVE heals… I guess I would maybe be leaning more to Judism at this point but have been frustrated as I know not hebrew at this time.  And not sure I will ever be able to learn it.   So this family is sooooo valuable for me because I feel received …thank you and blessings and love to each of you.

    • #314620

      Hello everyone my name is William and I am a 72-year-old Vietnam veteran that is seeking knowledge and wisdom about what my purpose in life is. I am looking forward to growing in knowledge and wisdom about the Creator.

    • #314611

      Hi, I am James and I live in the UK.  raised as a Roman Catholic, but drifted away from that and I feel more spiritual.

      I have watched a little bit about Kabbalah on the net and I find it interesting.

      hopefully I will gain a much deeper understanding on this course, for which I give gratitude for being able to sign up for.


      I am lookinf forward to this and wish the very est for all of you.

    • #314568

      Hello my name is Gerardo and I would love to discover Kabbalah from a different perspective. I studied in another school which was very disappointing.

    • #314556
      Pamela Ullmann

      Hi, I’m Pamela. Years of on-and-off study of the Kabbalah. I want to connect to a solid community and refresh myself on all aspects of this amazing wisdom

Viewing 6 posts - 2,383 through 2,388 (of 5,895 total)
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