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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #328234

      The lineage of Light surrounding us is exuberantly truth. The Torah is the 1st steps in fight against any desire in the 1st place. 2ndly the Shenanigans and difference between male and female is the exact same response to the Oneness of His Domain with the covenant of Marriage only.

    • #328207

      Hi my name is Martina, I’m 63 and I hope to finally find some more answers and truths about life, meaning, purpose, Hashem, reality, really ALL of it! Time is pressing on and so is my hunger and desire to get to the essential things in this world. Kabbalah will add many puzzle pieces I hope!

    • #328199

      Hello All,

      My name is Jane, and I live in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  I look forward to exploring the concepts and wisdom of Kabbalah.

    • #328193

      My name is Derek, I’m 37 and live in Colorado.

      I’ve always been very spiritual and I’m a follower of Christ.

      I’ve had a few out of body experiences on sacred mushrooms where the creator revealed so much to me that it blew my mind. After much self-investigation, the creator lead me to quantum physics and Kabbalah. I hope to gain a better understanding of what was revealed to me, where I’m at in my ascension, how to progress and walk everyday in the will of the creator. I also hope that though out these courses I will learn how to read the Bible in the language of branches. Hearing someone translate parts of it was great and inspiring but to read it myself, and have true understanding is my desire.

    • #328139

      Hello, I’m Kia. I’m a 30-year-old avid learner/lifelong student. I enjoy reading anything I can get my hands on, learning from plants through gardening, being friends with my cat-friend of 11 years, and spending time in stimulating conversation with others. I am going into this course with few expectations, but I hope it will provide a structured way to learn things that I’ve intuited along the way.

    • #328132
      nancy hyatt

      Hi everyone,

      My name is Nancy and I have been interested and dabbling in  Kabbalah for about 10 years.  I find KabU to be very helpful in explaining the fundamentals and look forward to taking the many courses offered.

      Thank you to the KabU team for making this information available in such an accessible way.


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