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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,755 through 2,760 (of 5,275 total)
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    • #295844

      Hello, I am Blake. Everyone calls me B-LOVE though. Im a practicing Love-based Mystic and find great value in various Mystic teachings. Always looking to feed my heart and soul that I may give to others as well. I’m from Utah and am also an ordained clergy.

    • #295787

      Hello, my name is Anita. I am 39 years old and live in Australia. I came across the 6 hour compilation of ‘Kabbalah Revealed’ lessons on YouTube in 2020. As I watched, I was like “this is what Abraham (Hicks) teaches!” That is, recognising your desire for material things is driven by a desire to feel better, and that your desire can be transformed into receiving in order to bestow to others. After watching the 6 hour compilation, I began regularly watching the Live Q&A with Tony Kosinec videos on YouTube, and now watch almost all of The Great Transition episodes and Kabbalah Explained Simply lessons in replay mode. I admit that it’s taken me two years to enrol in the Kabbalah Revealed 1 course through KabU because I was scared it would be a cult! However, my desire to understand the Wisdom of Kabbalah grew stronger than my fear, so here I am, ready to give the course a go. The three textbooks I ordered arrived today. It was a relief that the font size is big enough to read. I just hope I can be disciplined and do the reading for the course, as I really struggle with getting distracted or tired, especially when reading. I love listening to the Kabbalah videos on YouTube and write key understandings I get in my diary. I’m very thankful for the KabU team for the materials they release on YouTube. I’m unsure if the Australian timezone will prohibit me from attending the live Zoom sessions but hope one day to get a chance to interact with KabU teachers like Tony, Asaf, Joseph, Leo, Gil and Marcus. Thanks again for sharing the Wisdom of Kabblah with the public through YouTube. It is greatly appreciated. Kind regards, from Anita

    • #295770

      My name is Michael Inglis, I have been studying with Bnei Baruch and Michael Laitman from 2006. I love going over Kabbalah Revealed. It reconnects me, especially when other areas of life have pulled me away. It always takes me into deeper connection.




    • #295759

      Hello, my name is Sofie, all my life I have searched for answers. Now it´s the first time I´m ready to learn more about Kabbalah.

    • #295757

      Hello, my name is Sofie,

      all my life I have searched for answers. In the beginning mainly to understand and deal with my personal suffering, but gradually more and more to understand more of the big questions we all carry. In my professional practice, I can serve others, guide and help people that search answers about their suffering, willing to walk on the same path I mysel

    • #295755

      I’m Michele, a travelling minstrel. I was introduced to Kabbalah on a trip to Israel. I Look forward to learning with you all.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,755 through 2,760 (of 5,275 total)
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