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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #314829

      HI, I m Sarah, I live in Somerset, England, I’m 78, and very young!

      I ve been through a lot of spiritualities in my time, and passed by from them all, not satisfied.

      In the last few months I started learning about the Hebrew letters, which in themselves are wildly mystical, & when you add in the gematria, really it does seem they must be God-given.  I then started looking at my Jewish ancestry, which had been denied out of fear.  One I started looking at what s involved, there is a clear invitation to start improving myself & my relation to God & my fellow man.

    • #314816
      Tammy McHenry

      Hi, my name is Tammy McHenry. I’m here to find a point in the heart.

    • #314784

      My name is Thato Matsoso. I am a woman I am 40 + years. I am from Lesotho. My friend told me about kabbalah. I have been reading about it. I will like to reach the stage where i can communicate directly with the creator.

    • #314781
      M Judge

      My name is Michelle. I live in Ireland. I am excited to start this journey

    • #314773
      security seal

      Hi, I’m Szymon. I would like to learn how to better implement those teachings into my everyday life.

    • #314765

      Hello, my name is Colton. I have been studying a great manner of esoteric and occult topics over the last decade. I am born Jewish and steered away from faith, due to many personal reasons, it wasn’t until recently I’ve realized everything always brought me back to my roots (no matter how far I thought one could descend). I am familiar with the Kabbalah and wish to deepen my connection as to allow for new growth in areas and facets of my life.

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