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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #293249
      Natalie Steenbok

      Shalom and warmest greetings to all.

      My Name is Natalie and I live in Zimbabwe in Africa. I am a wife and mother to three wonderful children.

      I began a new journey over four years ago, as my desire to gain a deeper understanding of my faith as a Christian propelled me to enrole in a bible Hebrew course, that expanded over two years. I learnt to read and write in Hebrew as well as basic gemmatria . This began all sorts of great insights. My learning didn’t stop there… With a deeper desire i now understand as the point in ones heart, I searched deeper and learnt probably the basics of Kabbalah and the awesome insights . I was very sceptical to join at first, as I in no way wanted to get off the path of my faith. I understand now, that is not the aim of Kabbalah.  Rather it is a tool to deeper understanding.

      Thank you Tony and the Kabu team, I have enjoyed the Youtube insights and am delighted to be a part of this great connection.




    • #293243


      I am Patrick, presently 67 and married.

      We are at a sweet spot in our working lives. We are working with most of our children in our bakery. Joyful times.

      My spiritual walk started when I questioned the catholic teachings.

      Either out of rebellion or a deeper desire that I didn’t understand. I just knew that there is a better way.

      Up until a certain scuba diving experience, I didn’t care if I lived or not. With a near drowning experience, I came to the surface and shouted “thank God I am alive” i heard those words echo back to me. That changed my life. Then I became a seeker.

      Four years later after I was married, my wife and became “born again”  in an evangelical church. We experienced several spiritual teaching in the various churches we attended. None had that deep teaching we wanted.

      Many years later I was introduced to some Messianic teachings. Perhaps I was stuck in the church, but I attempted to slowly seek out that kind of teaching.

      When we were living in Pennsylvania, I was able to attend Beth Yeshua in Philadelphia and one in Lititz. There I found the teaching that mostly fed my soul.

      I do know that in this life, we will never know the depth of  Yehovah

    • #293238
      Gail Lee

      Shalom! My name is Gail. Years ago I prayed for God to help me see people and world through His eyes which led me to surrender my life and my will over to His will. I said, Hineni, Here I am Abba send me. Since then I see God in everything and each day He has guided me along this journey in life moment by moment to get rid of everything that is not of Him while helping others to do the same. He has been so patient with me. It is a joy and truly a blessing to give than receive. I enjoy seeing God working behind the scenes orchestrating everything out for His Glory in our lives including placing people in our path to help us along on our journey if we allow. Just like in the book of Esther. And even the painful and difficult times in my life, self inflected or done by others, has all helped me to gain a better understanding to have more compassion to help others as well as myself grow closer to God. God is love. Pure love. I have learned it is through looking at life through His lens of love that changes our hearts He then can help us help others with words of encouragement pointing people to return to God and seek to know (yada) God with our whole heart. I have learned it is through acts of love that will help change us and help change the world moment by moment walking with God by our side trusting in Him. I believe through prayer and our willingness to help others by talking to others about God (prayer) we bring Heaven to earth. His timing is perfect and cyclical. Sometimes I have to take another lap around the desert until I have learned the lesson but He never gives up on me. He never said it would be easy but He did promise to be with us. Hineni, Here I am Abba send me. Enjoy the journey!

    • #293218

      Hi, Sherazi here. I am from pakistan 33, teaching in School. I AM here to understand reality and inner peace.

    • #293197

      Greetings! I am Mj and have been on a path for the truth for as long as I can remember. I have read and studied many different religions but I always come back to the Kabbalah. I am exciting to go through this course to continue  my learning and to grow so that I can fulfill my purpose and destiny.

    • #293174

      My name is Andrew, I’m 68 and work as an accountant. I have spent many years looking at various religions seeking truth. I just finished reading The Essential Zohar, and it resonated with me. I would like to learn more.

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