Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #303644

      Merhaba benim adım Alper öncelikle hepinize günaydın mutlu bir gün olsun .Ben Tanrıyı (Aşem) bulmak istiyorum .Onu çok seviyorum onu daha yakından tanımak anlamak öğrenmek isityorum .Çünkü İnsanın hayattaki en önemli amacının onun Yaratan Tanrısını tanımak bilmek olduğuna inanıyorum .


      İnsan olmak için Yaratıcıyı anlamak lazım

    • #303635

      Hi seekers, im a student of the mystical and esoteric.  For years I was wondering through religion feeling there was more, yet I could never get a grasp on what was missing. I started to study eastern spirituality and felt a sense of purpose and understanding. Yet still there was no clear path and method for obtaining progress.. I’m here because I need a community of like minded individuals searching for oneness and love in world full of chaos and deception.- phife

      • #303703

        Phife, I’m here for the same. I’m looking forward to getting to know you. -Scott

    • #303623


      Glad to meet everyone. I’ve watched and read aspects of Kabbalah and would like to continue to learn and experience these teachings.

      ~ Diane

    • #303612
      Pallavi Joshi


      I am curious to know about the ancient knowledge.

      • #303741

        Me too! It’s good to meet you!

    • #303606

      Hi Everyone. I’m William . I’ve been studying Kabbalah for a few years now  on my own but I am eager to learn with a group and look forward to growing with you all and applying these wonderful principles and wisdom more to my daily life. based in the UK

    • #303596
      Mikki Teilor

      Shalom everybody! My name is Mikki and I look forward to our group study and building a community of mind like people as well as sharing experience and learning form each other. All best and good luck to all the students. All the respect and gratitude to the teachers.

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