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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #313064

      Greetings! I’m Phil and I have been chasing Gnosis since I was 12 years old, after having an unusual spiritual experience that propelled me in this direction. My first experience with Kabbalah occured when I was in my mid 20’s. I had picked up a book on Kabbalah in the library, but could not understand it at that time. I have wandered around various religious studies, took courses in philosophy at university for a year in the 90’s and most recently completed an introductory course in Gnostic sciences at the website. I have always appreciated esoteric knowledge and have been moving towards a full on study of Kabbalah for many years. I am very happy to have found KabU and look forward to digging in deep. I guess Kabbalah has been my destination throughout my life and now that I have arrived at the door, I am eager to begin my true growth. Thank You.

    • #313052
      Ra Eliza

      Hello Everyone!

      My name is Ra and I was intuitively guided by Yeshua to start beginning my training on the Kabbblah and learning Hebrew. I speak the ancient language from cellular memory that I am aware will be very transformative for the consciousness of the self and humanity connecting back to all. I am excited to be here with my team of souls that are all on a similar path rather we are aware of it or not yet…. Lol…. You don’t find the Kabbalah the Kabbalah ancient teachings find you.~ Yeshua/YaweH

      Ra Eliza

    • #313007

      Hello this is Abdul Javeed i would like to thanks everyone who’s here for helping each other to be a part of family

    • #312912
      Karl Nilsson

      Hi all, my name is Ronny and I’m currently based in Prague. I stumbled across a few articles and videos about Kabbalah and found it very intriguing. I joined KabU for a structured learning path to get deeper into Kabbalah.

    • #312910

      Hello,my name is Wangjingyu.I met Kabbalah accidentally.The chance is precious for me for I am puzzled about my dissatisfactory life.I want to jump out of the “endless circle”.I want to expand my spiritual space to surpass the pain by learnning Kabbalah.Thank you.

    • #312905
      nancy hyatt

      Hello – I’m Nancy.  I’ve been studying Kabbalah for several years and am in a regular Kabbalah study group outside of KABU.   I want to deepen my knowledge and connection and have found KABU’s YouTube’s fantastic.  Looking forward to being more connected to the community. Thank you to all who create these trainings and to thr creator  who orchestrates all.

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