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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,031 through 3,036 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #311850
      Paul David

      Paul David here..

      older, not wiser lol..looking to change that!

    • #311762

      Hello to everyone,

      It was a very long time to decide study Kabbalah. When I saw the Western Wall, I felt a very different thing which I did not feel before. It was a very different kind of poise. Then I visited there for many times and the emotion was the same. After many years, I feel the same poise. So I think it is time to learn the methodologic way of Kabbalah.

      Have a great time of understanding.


    • #311685
      Oliver Ursu


      I want to learn the sixth sense in order to perceive more of reality.


      Oliver Ursu

    • #311642
      Karim C

      Hello, my name is Karim and I live in Pennsylvania USA. The past few years I’ve been troubled with how much it seems my culture and society have been “dumbed down.”.  About six months ago I prayed for more wisdom in my life.

      I have always loved languages and I recently watched a YouTube on Hebrew. I was utterly fascinated by the fact that this language has spiritual roots and has not changed for a few thousand years. I have a very analytical mind and I thought that I might be able to finally use some of my analytical skills to further my spirituality.


      Thanks so much for sharing.

    • #311588
      Richsphere 560

      Hello all, my name is Ralph, and I hail from Kraków. I joined this course because of my interest in spirituality and also to understand how certain miraculous activities has happened in my life.


    • #311564

      Hello everyone, I’m Luke from Poland. I was reading many years about different paths of spiritual development.
      I feel like I’m understand sufficiently how Hermetic path works. Franz Bardon system is the most clear to me, but I wonder how Kabbalah relate to this kind of systems.
      From what I have seen Hermetism and different schools of development use Kabballistic cosmology.
      My conclusion is that from the Hermetic perspective we are building skills to see spiritual world and slowly
      equalizing with the creator, but with Kabballah we start from equalizing with the creator and see spiritual world as a result.

      That’s why I think Kabbalah is most efficient path and want to know more about it.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,031 through 3,036 (of 6,426 total)
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