Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,457 through 3,462 (of 5,901 total)
  • Author
    • #294811
      Toni Peltonen

      Hi everyone! I’m Toni and really interested to study more Kabbalah. I wish to understand the meaning of life someday and who I truly am.

    • #294790

      Hi Im Heather and I’m here to learn about myself and the universe. Going through a divorce after 16 years. 7 of which were very abusive.

    • #294752

      Hello everyone I’m here to learn, let’s explore wonderful world together.

    • #294747

      Hi everyone! I am ready to discover the true reality. Good connection everyone 🙂

    • #294741

      Hi Everyone,  my name is Christopher. I’ve been educating myself  about Kabbalah in an intermittent fashion for the past 4 years. I landed on a Kabbalah revealed youtube video in 2018 in the midst of a soul searching phase. I was searching for the one truth that would help make sense of all scientific notions I knew, my mother protestant teachings and my father’s freemason teachings. My deepest desire is to transcend my egoistic nature, submit to the will of the creator and become one of his vessels which will bring light into this world for all other souls.

      I’ve constantly prioritized my professional career and my personal endeavors over this spiritual calling in fear that I would go back to the precarious situation I was raised in. I’ve come to realize there is no better time than now.

      I’m greatlful to be part of this fellowship and looking forward to our journey

    • #294734

      Hallo Teachers, hallo students,

      My given name is Abdalah but most peaople call me Dutch. I am a ducht citezen living in The Netherlands.
      My life has been like most souls a rocky roud. But now lets say the last 4 up to five years i start to understand that i long to listning more to the voice ore the eachy sounds in my diepest thougts…..who am i? why i been true what i have been thrue? why i love nature so intens? why i feel a strong connection with the univers? why i keep giving and not expecting? why do i feel rejecting and ignored? and why i love to treat others in a way that i am the last in line to get of the ship? Why am i alone ? why, why, and whats the meening of my life.
      I hope to learn from you all en working humble toowards the feuture.

      Kind regards,

      Abdalah a.k.a. Dutch

Viewing 6 posts - 3,457 through 3,462 (of 5,901 total)
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