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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,457 through 3,462 (of 6,442 total)
  • Author
    • #303729
      sajeesh joseph

      Hi ,My Name is Sajeesh ,I don’t know why, my mind recently started showing so much  interest in Kabbala even though I don’t know anything about Kabbala ,so just thought of giving a try to learn it .

    • #303723

      Hi, I am Jovan. I have started this course several times. I always seem to come back, this time I expect to finish.

    • #303716

      Hi I am seeking for integration of my spiritual experiences. I know well how powerful and outstanding the collective consciousness is. I know that this system will help me to connect. I have very strong desire! Since I remember 😉


    • #303702


      My name is Kima.  I am a spiritual being seeking to know more about myself. I would like to discover the truth about God.

      Thank, you

    • #303698
      Vince Smith


      I visited Israel about 20 years ago. I was a tourist at the Wailing Wall and I sent a prayer up to God asking to be shown something, anything at all. And when I touched the stones, I felt a power run down my arm and hit me in the solar plexus. I then proceeded to weep for 6 and half hours straight. Unable to talk. I never received an explanation for that experience, but by doing research on, I found out I have a Jewish background. I was able to trace a branch of my family back to 830 AD. They were Ha Levi’s, Levites. Some were prominent Rabbis and Kabbalists in Spain and Portugal. This started my interest in learning as much about Kabbala as I can in the shortest amount of time. (Since I am not getting any younger).

      thank you,


    • #303656

      Hi there, my name is Vivien. I only recently started to learn about Kabbalah. I was searching for true knowledge and when I found out about Kabbalah I felt it’s power of wisdom. I would like to learn and discover more.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,457 through 3,462 (of 6,442 total)
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