Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,451 through 3,456 (of 6,442 total)
  • Author
    • #303872
      Leah Bergman

      Hi, my name is Leah and I’m happy to meet all of you.  I have been studying Kabbalah for a few years, and I am looking to go deeper with my study to learn and experience more.

    • #303868

      Hello everybody (:

      I am Star. I have been studying spirituality for many years and I have finally reached to a point where I know for sure that I know absolutely nothing! The only thing that I am certain about is that there is or should be an unseen realm at the back of this thing that we call it life.

      At the moment my top priority is to find practical solutions for changing my life… something to change the repetitious way that dominos have fallen so far!

      I hope for the best and nice to be with all of you fellow-passengers  (:

    • #303850
      Thyme Parzival

      I left my religious upbringing to travel the world seeking answers to life’s deepest questions, now it seems that I am coming back full circle to the scriptures that were there from the beginning. Only this time with a greater awareness of the spiritual realms and deeper compassion for humanity. I’m grateful to be among fellow seekers and feel blessed by the many hands who have prepared this course for us.


    • #303810
      R. Elic Van Rooyen

      Good day,

      Ryno here. From my earliest memories as a child, there had been a sense of connection with an  ‘entity’ beyond this plane… That’s how the journey started and now I find myself here – searching, validating & connecting.

    • #303797

      Hello- my name is Sally. I have been a student of Kabbalah for several years now. I look forward to learning more about it here.

    • #303739

      Hello! My name is Kristina Socha (sounds like SAW-ha). I live in Wyoming with my family. My husband and I raised 4 boys. Our youngest graduated from high school this spring. I am looking forward to enriching my relationship with Ha-shem (I hope I spelled that correctly). I hope to grow closer to God for Him and the path He has placed before me.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,451 through 3,456 (of 6,442 total)
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