Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,499 through 3,504 (of 6,439 total)
  • Author
    • #303154
      Trip Belote

      Hello I’m Trip.  I recently found out that I’m the great grandson of Jews that escaped the Latvian pogroms.  I didn’t know I had any connection to Judaism but have always been interested in mystical and esoteric spirituality.  Hoping to learn more.

    • #303119
      Yomi Lawal

      Hi, my name is Yomi. I’m on a journey of self discovery. I’ve heard about Kabbalah way back in my youth, but had never taken any conscious steps to know more about it. I believe the time is now!

    • #303118
      Larissa Susane

      Hello everyone. My name is Larissa Santos,  I’m from Brazil/Curitiba, 33 years old, 1 child. Here in Brazil I work as key account for a tech company and decided to look for some answers after feeling disconnected from this world.
      Happy to be part of this community!

      • #303169

        Hi Larissa! Happy to connect with a fellow brazilian! I’m Ana 🙂

    • #303038

      Hello everyone,

      you can call me Moji, couple of years ago I read a book about Kabbalah and learned a lot from the book, but I stopped learning Kabbalah, I felt something missed in my life till I found this course and am very willing to resume learning. I expect more happiness, calm and less-stress in my life by attending this course.

    • #303037

      Hello World!

      I’m Karen Campo from Cali-Colombia, a former teacher and theater actress who recently landed in the world of software development  (about 3 years ago). I am still learning and having my day by day inner fight to become a better professional and a better person.

      My interest in learning about Kabbalah is due to an inquisitiveness that has always been my companion. Those questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is my life mission? Been in different paths searching for those answers and the way to get so much light that I can share it with those that still live in darkness.

      The spiritual side of life is very important for me. My goal is to share as much as it is possible for me without pretensions or any other interest of just helping. I believe that if we all are doing alright, then everything is alright. I am aware that there are factors and that I can’t relieve all the pain in the world due to all of those factors but compassion should be practiced as well as gratitude.

    • #303036

      Hello World!

      I’m Karen Campo from Cali-Colombia, a former teacher and theater actress who recently landed in the world of software development  (about 3 years ago). I am still learning and having my day by day inner fight to become a better professional and a better person.

      My interest in learning about Kabbalah is due to an inquisitiveness that has always been my companion. Those questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is my life mission? Been in different paths searching for those answers and the way to get so much light that I can share it with those that still live in darkness.

      The spiritual side of life is very important for me. My goal is to share as much as it is possible for me without pretensions or any other interest of just helping. I believe that if we all are doing alright, then everything is alright. I am aware that there are factors and that I can’t relieve all the pain in the world due to all of those factors but compassion should be practiced as well as gratitude.




Viewing 6 posts - 3,499 through 3,504 (of 6,439 total)
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