Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,517 through 3,522 (of 5,895 total)
  • Author
    • #293456
      Kellon Martin


      My name is Kellon and I currently reside in Knoxville, TN. After a journey of feeling lost and a ton emotional pain. I finally came to know my true self last year. I discovered my gift is helping others discover their true gift. While I have some knowledge of how this works, I joined because I want to intentionally experience the tree of life and not accidentally. I’m excited for this process.

    • #293451
      Jeremiah K

      Hi my name is Jeremiah Kawonga. I live in New York City  I am here to transform I discovered kabbalah through a healer. I’ve been raised christian but I believe G-d is universal and that is why I am here.

    • #293425


      I am Kim, 56, married with grandchildren. I’ve been searching for a very long time for the meaning of life as well as trying to fill a void I cannot explain. I have been Catholic, Lutheran, Christian, agnostic. I’ve studied or at least familiarized myself with new age practices, reiki, crystals, herbs, the occult, consciousness, shamanism, magick, energy medicine, the theory that everything has a spirit or an energy to it from a rock to a blade of grass. I believe I have been led here at this time to study Kabbalah.

    • #293344
      Abe Tapia

      I am Abraham my goal is to connect with teachers and students and began the learning process.  I have been reading kabbalah books for present and future classes that I will be taking. I’ll make it short my main purpose for this effort is to make my way home by learning to bestow and be close to the CREATER

    • #293339

      Hello, my name is Peter. I live in Anchorage, Alaska. I have studied the fringes of Kabbalah for about a year and am ready to drive deeper.

    • #293310

      Shalom to KabU instructors and students,

      My name is Bilma currently living in New York. During my lifetime I was chasing all the wrong things and always felt a void in me. I felt emptiness even though I had everything and then I began on a quest on seeking the Truth and G-d. I always knew G-d existed, and wanted to get to know him. That’s when I began to read the Torah and learned how amazing it is. Once a great Kabbalist teacher said “If you want to understand G-d you have to read to Zohar”.  That’s basically how this journey began. I want to learn Kabbalah to bring light and joy to this world.

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