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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #301971

      Hi everyone, I’m Eva am I’m here because … well I don’t even have a clear reason other then I was born as a seeker, which to me feels like I have been seeking for answeres for purpose of life ever since I can remember. My early “seekings”, of course, are childish, like wondering why are my parents my parents and I do not have other children’s parents? Why was I born where I was born – always felt people being born in other, better places of the world are soooooo much luckier then me, why am I not as good and lucky in general as other kids? So my exploration never stopped, and mostly I developed step-by-step through my religion (christian) early on, then other spiritual teachings, books, practices. Each method gave me the answers I was looking for; for the time being at least. Every time it felt like “Oh, that’s it”, until it didn’t enymore, then a rebelious/angry part of me came forward in the disappointment that it is not what I expected anymore, then this lead me to the next step so on so on … after a while I was angry and disappointed of not getting to a well defined destination. Mentally I comprehended the wast and ethernal Creation from the Upper force, also my role in it to develop infinitely, but on a preception level I was so angry, then I was guilty of feeling angry, then shame took over … and the anger-guilt-shame cycle repeated itself at the end of each of my “developmental” cycle. Oh, and it is present right now, and it drives me coocoo. So I’m here now. I learned the basics through available videos on youtube – makes so much sense for my next level of seeking – yet I had a monumental resistance to start my membership. The will to receive, eh? To receive damn, real pleasure and end suffering! That’s what I want! And I know how illusionary, egoistic pleasure feels like, and how sick’n tired I am of it’s volatile nature. And I have the intention to do whatever it takes in my power/ability to see the whole world receive pleasure, but I am terrified at the same time. Ok then, I do not expect anything anymore – just kidding, I am always expecting to receive pleasure and be able to forward it into the world, so let the jouney begin! … or to be continued? I managed to clarify my reason being here after all, didn’t I!?

    • #301960

      Hello, my name is Shana.  I have tried learning the basics of Kabbalah from multiple sources then I was recommended Michael Laitman’s books and from there I found KabU.  I have always been drawn to the studies but started to pursue it more since 2018 when I was at a meditation retreat and started seeing Hebrew letters in my meditations.  I found some individuals to study with and I did a year’s worth of courses with a teacher in Israel.  She was quite good, but I lacked very basic understanding and knowledge so I missed 90% of what was being taught.  I am excited to learn some basics here, in hopes to expand into the more advanced courses.

    • #301958

      Howdy I’m just a bum seeking the truth. Thanks!

    • #301956

      My name is Akar, I’m here to further my studies.

    • #301938

      Hi, my name is Salam Yalo, 23 years old, renting an apartment in Herzliya, Israel. I am currently at a stage in my life where I feel that the things I learned and the dream I wanted are no longer that interesting to me. I studied acting for two years and today I understand that maybe it’s not what I want. I want to explore the world, questions that I want to get answers to, such as what is our essence, how can we create a different reality, is there accuracy in things, is there really one way, one truth to live life in a harmonious, moral, equal and just way.

    • #301912

      Hi am Ceasar, am just trying to fid my life path

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