Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,583 through 3,588 (of 6,440 total)
  • Author
    • #301909
      Pedro Araújo

      Hello. My name is Pedro and I’m from Brasil. I’m a stater sutudent of Kabbalah.

    • #301889

      Hi, my name is Ana. I am here returning to some basic concepts in my learning path.

    • #301867

      Hi, my name is Salam Yalo, 23 years old, renting an apartment in Herzliya, Israel. I am currently at a stage in my life where I feel that the things I learned and the dream I wanted are no longer that interesting to me. I studied acting for two years and today I understand that it might not be what I want. I want to explore the world, questions that I want to get answers to, such as what is our essence, how can we create a different reality, is there accuracy to things, is there really one way, one truth to live life in a harmonious, moral, equal, and just way.

    • #301799
      Melody Jones

      Hello, my name is Melody, I am pursuing knowledge about Kabbalah because everything I’ve heard within its teachings matches what I understand to be true in mechanical science. The fact that this text is so old and yet matches what I’ve learned about physics and biology astounds me. I wish to take on the inner qualities of the best parts of our species and planet, and feel ultimate oneness with the collective soul.

    • #301718

      Hello, fellow Kabbalah students. My name is Reinaldo and I’m from Brazil. I’m always have been a personal development student with main interests in religion, psychology and philosophy. In the last year, a lot of knowledge that I found (or it found me) made me understand a lot about our suffering because our mind and ego. Then, I found Kabbalah (or it found me) and I hope it is my final road about the mechanics of existence.

    • #301638

      Hello, I’m Mzwakhe from South Africa.  I’m interested in spiritual progression, understanding how we relate to natural laws and finding a deeper meaning to my life.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,583 through 3,588 (of 6,440 total)
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