Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #294877

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>My name is Shiloh and I’m 48 years old. I’ve been studying Kabbalah for a few years by Dr. Laitmans books and Rav Ashlag.  I want to take classes, meet Kabbalah friends for study and our connections, learn Zohar, and start doing Kabbalah and Mitzvots instead of just reading. I could use any help and any friends because I don’t know any other students. I’m a journalist who loves movies and live in Charlotte.</p>
      Love and Light,

      1. Shiloh
    • #294865

      Shalom! I’m Eliana, born and raised in USSR for 24 years, now living in Canada (Ottawa) for 18 years. My email is elena.froggy[at] Please, feel free to connect 😉 I’ve been learning theoretic Kabbalah with intensity of for several weeks, and it’s been extremely eye opening! I must know more about the practical part of Kabbalah. Thanks!

    • #294864

      Shalom! I’m Eliana, born and raised in USSR for 24 years, now living in Canada (Ottawa) for 18 years. My email is Please, feel free to connect 😉 I’ve been learning theoretic Kabbalah with intensity of for several weeks, and it’s been extremely eye opening! I must know more about the practical part of Kabbalah. Thanks!

    • #294858
      Ahmed Tabella

      Hello everyone

      I am Ahmed, I have taken the KR courses before in the previous website, yet, I am still interested to connect to new people, who is learning and taking the path for the first time.

    • #294848

      Hola soy Ana Lucy vivo en Cuba y siempre desde pequeña he creído en Dios. Estuve en la iglesia cristiana y siempre me cambiaba de iglesia porque sentía una gran incomodidad. Hasta que descubi la Kabbala empecé a investigar y leer sobre el tema. Pues ahí mi vida cambió era la verdad que faltaba a mi vida. Al fin pude encontrar la respuesta y la verdadera verdad de la vida.  Muy feliz de formar parte de esta organización.

    • #294841

      Hi I am Jacob. In 2018 I experienced a radical life change when I found myself in another dimension and I came to understand Life as Source and It is all that is in all including who I Am.
      I Love what that means for all of Us.

      How amazing!

      Happy to be here!

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