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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,189 through 4,194 (of 5,275 total)
  • Author
    • #55222

      Hello, my name is Ricardo Guerrero and iam from El Salvador.

      Currently iam in my 3 year of Psychology, already a graduate Pastor, seeking ancient knowledge about life, its origin and true meaning of it all. I been studying Jewish culture, customs and theology through LIMUD website, where israelis scholars such as Adolfo Roitman, Issi Wolff and others teach and share their valuable experience wiht many.

      So iam eager to find my path to my inner self and discover Shalom, fullness and complement for others and me.

    • #55221
      Mauricio Barbera

      Hello, I am Mauricio from Venezuela.

    • #55193

      Hi I am Horacio from Argentina
      I found Laitman videos in 2008 and watched a whole introductory serie few times during those years.
      Few years ago found the Kabbala Revealed 16 videos and Enter the Zohar serie and watched it many times.
      Also read many Laitman books.
      All of wich allowed me to get a better understanding of some deep personal experiences I had but I feel a lot more is missing and I am searching for more answers.
      But I did all that always alone by myself.
      I would like to experience if any difference by participating in a group and with an instructor as sugested.

    • #55181
      Wiehann Philander

      Hi I’m Wiehann. I wish to achieve spiritual attainment. Peace and Love.

    • #55132
      Matthew Turner

      Hello from New York. My name is Matthew and I have been studying philosophy and religion for years. I am here because what I have learned so far about kabbalah makes sense, and I desire to learn more, because I believe it will be of great benefit to myself and others.

    • #54984

      Hello everyone.  Here from Delhi with a lot of questions. Looking for some answers.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,189 through 4,194 (of 5,275 total)
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