Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #290575

      Hello my name is Curtis and I’m from Southeast Texas. I’ve spentrr many years learning and growing spiritually and have now been called to walk down the path of the Kabbalist. I look forward to meeting you all and learning together!

      • #290585

        Hi Curtis! Im Lisa from AL and I’m restarting this program again. I’ve been coming in and out of the lessons for a while but feel I need to start at the beginning once again. I have never joined a “Ten” group but I think I will do that this time around once I get to that point. Cheers! Blessings and Godspeed on our journey to wholeness!

    • #290574

      Hello my name is Curtis and I’m from Southeast Texas. I’ve spent many years learning and growing spiritually and have now been called to walk down the path of the Kabbalist. I look forward to meeting you all and learning together!

    • #290568


    • #290563

      Hello fellow students, i am suzanne in Montana, USA.  I have studied on my own over the past year  and it has been good. This is my second time to take the courses.  In my studies and watching KabU on youtube i am constantly reminded: to learn Kabbalah it must be done with other people.  So, here i am and here you all are.

      Peace unto you

    • #290557
      Be Me

      Hi I’m Lizett from the US. Here to learn more about Kabbalah with the help of some much needed instruction. I have attempted to learn and study on my own but many questions arise, unanswered. Also, excited about connecting with others interested in learning about Kabbalah.

    • #290549

      Greeting with Love and Respect., My Name is Baldwin B., I love to learn more about other people and their cultures and lifestyles. Thank you

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