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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,279 through 4,284 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #287630
      James Wright

      Hi everyone,

      I’m looking for answers to life’s mysteries in the hope of contributing to all that is good.


    • #287626

      Hello All,

    • #287611

      Hello Friends

      My name is Clifton, 55 years old executive coach.  Long-time meditator and teacher with cursory knowledge from books and videos about Kabbalah. I have decided to take a more formal approach to study. I hope to get out of this course a deeper understanding of what my role is and what I should be doing while on this beautiful blue ball.

      Thank you

    • #287604

      Hi I’m David. I’m 67 and have been on a spiritual path all my life. I discovered authentic Kabbalah very recently. I feel I’ve entered finishing school. I’m not sure how that works as eternity awaits. “Slay dragons daily,” I’ve always said. There’s been this one ever-lurking fire-breather awaiting a final blow! Let’s kill it together!

    • #287603
      Jeremy Davis

      Hi everyone – I’ve been a student of the Kabbalah for 20 years, but it was all just what I could find in books and videos. I’ve never really had an authentic guide through it all. I’m 47 now and really want to push deeper into the light.

    • #287595

      Hi, My name is Leticia. I’m a psychologist . I came across Kabbalah a few years ago, but really did not understand it very well. A few months ago I stared reading several books on the topic and felt this deep connection to it. However, I found it full of rules and became a bit frustrated, but when I heard an interview from Dr. Laitman I realized it was not about rules or doing something with the body, but about the soul and the connection of all the sparks.

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