Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,291 through 4,296 (of 5,901 total)
  • Author
    • #187977
      Rafat Tamim

      Hello, I am Tamim. I have so many questions about nature & reality. I hope this course will help me to find my answers.

    • #187933

      Hello, my name is Sandra and I live in Texas. I want to connect with others because alone I have come to a point where I just don’t feel like I’m growing. I understand that the wisdom of kabbalah is all about human connection. So I’m here to connect, grow and learn with an open heart.

    • #187846

      hi everybody,

      My name is Mario and i live in the Netherlands Europe.

      i am catched with the virus of esotheric studies about 10 years ago, now i wish to learn about The Kabbalah.

      i want to become wise and improve myself , also to satify my curiosity regarding the meaning of life.

      good luck to everybody!

    • #187763

      Hi everyone! I’m Ale from Dominican Republic. I’m here because I think I was “led” here and because I want to improve myself so that I can later help others improve.

    • #187333
      Joshua Ajang

      Hi everyone

      I hope you are doing well at the school, am Ajang Joshua Kuol from Africa dark continent, Country South Sudan in East Africa region my interest to the Kabbalah i would like to join the free world realities and truth about tree of life and also helping myself psychologically and spiritually boosting, please received me as all you can.


      Ajang Joshua

    • #186461

      Hello my name is Leslie. I am looking forward to expanding my awareness and just gaining knowledge and understanding.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,291 through 4,296 (of 5,901 total)
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