Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,291 through 4,296 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #287370

      Hello 🙂
      My Name is Sasha, i’m Jewish-Russian currently living on beautiful Slovenia. I’m interested in deepening my knowledge and spiritual attunement. Thank you!

    • #287369

      Hell 🙂
      My Name is Sasha, i’m Jewish-Russian currently living on beautiful Slovenia. I’m interested in deepening my knowledge and spiritual attunement. Thank you!

    • #287367

      I’m Grace and am a native Jew. I would like to study Kabbalah for a deeper insight into Torah.

    • #287355

      Hi, I am Ekow. I am selfish and I have a retaliatory relationship with most people, I am kind to the kind and unkind to the unkind. I want that to change, I want to be kind to all people created in G-d’s image, I want to “love my neighbor as myself”.

    • #287354

      Hi, I am Ekow. I am selfish and I have a retaliatory relationship with most people, I am kind to the kind and unkind to the unkind. I want that to change, I want to be kind to all people created in G-d’s image, I want to love my neighbor as myself.

    • #287327
      Joshua Coffman

      Great morning everyone!

      My name is Joshua, I have for years read and seen things about Kabbalah and feel at this point in my life I want to dive into it to make it a part of my everyday walk to get a better understanding of me, the world and God.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,291 through 4,296 (of 6,419 total)
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