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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #287316

      Hello, my dear friends, my name is Heidi and I live in Australia on the Sunshine Coast.  I was on such a long spiritual journey for years but could never pull down the abstract confusion and questions into a structured real, authentic experience.   And for once I truly see a light shining ahead of me towards a path of true freedom, peace, power and joy.  I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety all my life so to find something that feels so clear for me is so healing but more importantly, the hope of experiencing profound depth of friendship here through KabU, gives me such warmth I’m so grateful to you all and to the people who established these resources.  The Lord bless you all.

    • #287288

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hello 👋 👋👋🙏💗🙏</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>I am Benedikta from Lithuania and I live in Dublin now. I’ve got an inner urge to contact you and be with you. I want to practice “love my neighbour”. I hope you can help me in this 🙏💗🙏</p>

    • #287287

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hello 👋 👋👋🙏💗🙏</p>
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>I am Benedikta from Lithuania and I live in Dublin now. I’ve got an inner urge to contact you and be with you. I want to practice “love my neighbour”. I hope you can help me in this 🙏💗🙏</p>

    • #287286

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hello 👋 👋👋🙏💗🙏</p>
      I am Benedikta from Lithuania and I live in Dublin now. I’ve got an inner urge to contact you and be with you. I want to practice “love my neighbour”. I hope you can help me in this 🙏💗🙏

    • #287206
      Hamed T

      Hello, I’m Haamed and ready to learn.

    • #287170

      Hello. I’m David. Many years ago while reading the Bible I began to realize what I was reading was all about me and my spiritual awakening and fulfillment of a recognized plan. More recently I have dug deeper and have recognized from within the silence and stillness a profound urge to attain my life’s desires which are unbounded. All my many metaphysical studies have lead me to Kabbalah. It’s time to slay the dragon!

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