Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #287287

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hello 👋 👋👋🙏💗🙏</p>
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>I am Benedikta from Lithuania and I live in Dublin now. I’ve got an inner urge to contact you and be with you. I want to practice “love my neighbour”. I hope you can help me in this 🙏💗🙏</p>

    • #287286

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hello 👋 👋👋🙏💗🙏</p>
      I am Benedikta from Lithuania and I live in Dublin now. I’ve got an inner urge to contact you and be with you. I want to practice “love my neighbour”. I hope you can help me in this 🙏💗🙏

    • #287206
      Hamed T

      Hello, I’m Haamed and ready to learn.

    • #287170

      Hello. I’m David. Many years ago while reading the Bible I began to realize what I was reading was all about me and my spiritual awakening and fulfillment of a recognized plan. More recently I have dug deeper and have recognized from within the silence and stillness a profound urge to attain my life’s desires which are unbounded. All my many metaphysical studies have lead me to Kabbalah. It’s time to slay the dragon!

    • #287169

      Hello. I’m David. Many years ago while reading the Bible I began to realize what I was reading was all about me and my spiritual awakening and fulfillment of a recognized plan. More recently I have dug deeper and have recognized from within the silence and stillness a profound urge to attain my life’s desires which are unbounded. All my many metaphysical studies have lead me to Kabbalah. It’s time to slay the dragon!

    • #287149
      Terence Adu

      Hi All,

      K Here, I have been a student of Kabbalah for over 7 years now however have reached a plateau in my spiritual work. I am looking to reignite the desire and learn from a different perspective. Based in London so if any one wants to meet up drop me a message.



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