Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #287592

      Hi my name is Melissa and I have always, for a long time been drawn to Kabbalah and have been wanting to learn more about it. I feel like I have known the basics of spirituality for years and now would like to learn more of an advanced level of spiritual knowledge.

    • #287591

      Hi my name is Melissa and I have always, for a long time been drawn to Kabbalah and have been wanting to learn more about it. I feel like I have known the basics of spirituality for years and now would like to learn more of an advanced level of spiritual knowledge.

    • #287535

      Shalom,I am Khaled!

        <li style=”text-align: left;”>I would like to study Kabbalah for a deeper insight into Torah .
    • #287501

      Hi Everyone, My name is Anna and I am from the USA. I have been on an awakening path for a while. I was looking for a better understanding of the Tree of Life and I found myself here.

    • #287478

      Hello Everyone. My name is Krista. I look forward to a gaining knowledge of our spiritual world.

    • #287390

      Hi, I am Pustaka harjuna from Indonesia. I am now writing my own system philosophy of oneness, and in my point of view, the teaching of Kabbalah “The Tree of Life” “Magen David”, etc. is in harmony with my system of philosophy. May this world back again into only one world order, the order of oneness, the order of love

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