Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,303 through 4,308 (of 5,275 total)
  • Author
    • #53521


      My name is Nancy. I’m joining because I want to be a better person to others. I have researched as many religions I can find. I found they are all empty. Thanks

    • #53516
      Kodi Lawson

      Hello, my name is Kodi Lawson and the words “Sefirot” came to me through one of my guides during meditation which lead me to research and now i’m here.

    • #53456
      Vini Chukis

      My name is Vincent Chukwuma Ekpokoba.Just want to know who I am and why I have this awareness of BEING.

    • #53440
      Norma Schmepp

      Hello my name is Norma, I not sure what I am doing, I thought I have done this section, a will.

      anyways, I live in Garden Grove California, I am very religious person so that makes me search about the true in religion and most important for me about God the Creator,

      I started catholicism because of my parents and when I come to USA changed to christianity, and now since I start looking and Judy is taking me to the road about Kabbalah.

      I pray and I hope that God is in the One who’s taking me to this  path.

      forgive my spelling my first language is Spanish I don’t really write English so I try my best.

    • #53390
      Michael Aziz

      Hello, my name is Michael and I am from the middle east…….. I hope to learn more about the concepts of spirituality that i have never heard about before, I hope it will help me better understand how my life here would have meaning.

    • #53371

      Hello everyone.
      My name is Sophie. I’m here to learn and understand it all.

      Love to all.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,303 through 4,308 (of 5,275 total)
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