Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,393 through 4,398 (of 6,445 total)
  • Author
    • #285711

      Hi. I’m VG. I was intrigued to find out that Kabbalah was not occultic or about numbers and hidden messages in the text but was a genuine field of understanding open to all. I’m here to learn more.

    • #285614
      John Shay

      Hello. I am here to explore this particular branch of Kabbalistic teaching and see what I can find here. I am not brand new to Kabbalah but also still very early in my studies

    • #285594

      Hello everyone. My is Paschal Ogbor, Enugu State Nigeria. I am so happy to rejoin the course again. Hoping to learn more on why i am here on earth and other issues. Thanks

    • #285593
      Teri Lapping

      Hi.  My name is Teri and I am intrigued. I am looking forward to leaning more and being part of this community! I am excited!

    • #285479

      Hello All,

      I am Jahshua C, from New Orleans, LA.
      Kabbalah, Water and the Spoken Word has proven its liberating power in my life and I desire more.
      As I am absorbing one of  Rab. Berb’s masterpieces , I ran across a particular phrase,  I seek meaning of , “…tearing asunder of the second skin.” (Learning of Tzadi)
      I simply wish to understand this statement meaning and application , thus I arrived at KabU.
      I hope to learn more…




    • #285427
      Patrick Bailey

      Hello and shalom! I’m Patrick, and I’m super excited to begin this journey. I’m not really sure what to expect from this course, well, aside from answers to some deep questions I have…which is likely the commonality among all of us here. That, and a practical and complete approach to life.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,393 through 4,398 (of 6,445 total)
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