Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,417 through 4,422 (of 6,442 total)
  • Author
    • #284878

      I’ve always been interested in this scientific method of spiritual maturity but it was easily explained or understood. When I heard the description of being able to start at the complete basic level I had to accept this gift and dive in.

    • #284872
      Judy Elt

      Hi, fellow students. I have been studying for some time (what ever time is lol). I can’t follow any further on my own.

      I need connections


      Kind regards

      Judith Elt

    • #284866

      My name is Pedro, greetings from Ecuador. I have been studying Kabbalah before in spanish, and as I listened the introduction of this course, I felt a call to get involved in english language.
      I have been feeling an eager force to continue with the desire of learning this wonderful teachings.

      Hope to meet you soon in classes


    • #284840
      dree monster

      im dree, i expect to regain spituality and answers to my spititual questions

    • #284839
      dree monster

      im dree, i expect to gain spituality and answers to my spititual questions

    • #284820

      Hello Everyone

      My name is Sascha from Germany and im happy to be here and lern more about the kabblah.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,417 through 4,422 (of 6,442 total)
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