Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,429 through 4,434 (of 6,433 total)
  • Author
    • #284541
      Fredrick Hughes

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello, my name is Fredrick. I am seeking spiritual enlightenment.</p>

    • #284540
      Fredrick Hughes

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello, my name is Fredrick. I am seeking spiritual enlightenment to connect with the Creator and to understand self and the world around me.</p>

    • #284505


      My name is Chase Kolozsy and I very much would like to learn more about the Kabbalah for the sake of spiritual fulfillment and the opportunity to embrace the spirit of the desire to bestow/impart. I am presently poisoned with egoism, mostly because I internalized so much of Ayn Rand’s mental illness when I read her books back in 2014. I am in a state of recovery from my uncritical reception of her egoism from that time in my life. I have suffered so much as a result, and lost so much because of the infection I received from this experience. I am ready to heal. I hope this class will play a part in this process.

    • #284475

      Hello everyone I’m Dee. I am so excited to be a part of this journey with all of you and of course Tony, who is an incredible guide and all the rest of Kabu’s instructors. 🌞

    • #284460
      Thembe Khaya

      Hi, Im Thembe Khaya.


      I consider myself a spiritualist. I have studied and implemented many  practices from various spiritual system including religion. I wanted to know more about Kabbalah.

    • #284459

      Hello Everyone,

      I am David from the UK and I am happy to be here.

      I delved into Kabbalah way back in 2009 / 2010 but my interest waned as life intervened. Over the last two years of lockdown I have been studying meditation and mindfulness and through this I have been drawn back to Kabbalah.

      I am looking forward to the journey and sharing and supporting my fellow students.



Viewing 6 posts - 4,429 through 4,434 (of 6,433 total)
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