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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,423 through 4,428 (of 5,901 total)
  • Author
    • #128655
      Jeremy Adam

      Hello, my name is Jeremy. I am really looking forward to this. Thank you all for being here.

    • #128600

      Good Morning,

      I am Madlen. I have studied many Spiritual paths and found one the totally resonated with me : Hawaiian Huna. I am a fully initiated Shaman/ healer. I also found that Huna is closely connected to the Kabbala in so many ways so I want to know those ways.

      Looking forward to the learning

    • #128595
      James Edwards

      Hello. I’m Lloyd Edwards, and I live in Columbia, South Carolina, USA. I just turned 80 years old, so I don’t know if  I’ll complete the course. I’m married and have 5 grandchildren. In my work life, I’ve been a church organist, a physicist (and professor of physics), and Episcopal Priest.

      I’ve trained and worked as a Christian spiritual director and always been interested Judaism in Judaism  and Jewish mysticism amd kook forward to learning with you.

    • #128589
      Sol Belo

      Hello, I am Peter

    • #128539
      Adrien Delhalle


      I’m Adrian from Belgium.

      I’ve been interested in spirituality for a few years now learning from a lot of different sources but never found anything as comprehensive as kabbalah.

      I’m looking forward to going deeper into the rabbit hole and coming out the other end a changed man.

    • #128535

      My name is Danya. I have been a spiritual seeker for most of my life. I started a course on Kabbalah recently and found that much of what was taught conflicts with other online sources. I’m here to find a course that can give me a foundational knowledge of Kabbalah  in order to understand how to apply teachings like the tree of life to an understanding of my life’s journey.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,423 through 4,428 (of 5,901 total)
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