Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #63145

      I am Taiwo Hakeem Akolade from lagos Nigeria.  I’m an Astrologer and Numelogist,  I love the wisdom of kabbalah, And I can’t wait for the adventure to start .

    • #63125

      Hello! My name is Rachel. I had a spiritual awakening years ago and I’m a seeker. I identify as a witch, was raised Catholic and went to a Buddhist temple for a while. I am looking to add more knowledge. I am hoping this will help me to share the light and love inside me with others to lead a more spiritual existence where I help lessen suffering in the world and more fully shed my ego and connect better to our connectiveness.

      Sending love and light,


    • #63116
      Alex Hausmann

      Dear Friends in search of light.

      My Name is Alex and I grew up in Switzerland, living now in Israel.

      I lost my both my parents the last 3 years which have me a wake up call. Why are we here? What is the purpose? Who am I? Why is there so much hate and suffering and inequality? How can I be part to make the world a better place?

      I am looking for answers and spiritual guidance and I am very excited to part of this group.

    • #63090
      Stuart Doblin

      I thought the journey was personal, so glad to have joined a group. Hi, Stuart Doblin here and I don’t know enough of Kabbalah to know what to expect – though my expectations have already been exceeded. Thanks.

    • #63086

      Howdy! My name is Denny and I’m from Hurricane, Utah. Yup! I’m in the eye of the storm! Ha! I’m a mystic at heart and enjoy the journey of learning more and more about the journey of life, as our little human avatar expanding and becoming aware of our Higher Self, the Actor behind this little character. I obtained a tarot deck recently that involves the Kabbalah and the Tree of Life so I was nudged in this direction. I expect to receive the information that my Soul brought me here to become aware of. I’m mainly interested in learning more about the Tree of Life, which I’m not sure this course dives into, but it’ll give me a nice baseline into the approach to it I’m sure. Let the adventure begin! BOOM!

    • #63084

      Hello my name is Daniel, I’m a Christian but not a very good one. I’ve been trying to dive deeper into the bible and was intrigued by Jesus’ statement ” we know what we worship because salvation is from the Jews”. I’ve been trying to understand and learn about how to live a more spiritual life and to love and know God more and also my neighbors. Also I’m not very good with computers.

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