Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,495 through 4,500 (of 6,418 total)
  • Author
    • #282113

      Hi everyone, I’m Stacey from South Africa, currently residing in Thailand. I am so excited to learn more as I have dipped into Kabbalah here and there and it’s always ‘give’ to me. Can’t wait to learn more.

    • #282090

      I’m Brittany from Canada.
      Felt compelled to take this course,totally open minded and interested in learning as much as i can.

    • #282049
      Felipe Cervantes

      Hello everyone,

      My name is Felipe and I’m from Nevada.I love studying about religions and esotericism ,  especially those of the Abrahamic faith. I hope to gain wisdom and a better understanding of the Kabbalah, and pray it benefits me  spiritual.

    • #282042

      Hi My name is Ozie. I feel drawn to this but I have no idea what I expect to get out of it.

    • #282022

      Hello, my name is Loren. After years of struggle, I’ve recently come to accept the path of mysticism that I’ve been set upon, and I’ve come to realize, surprisingly so, that certain aspects of my journey have been related to Jewish and Kabbalistic teachings. So I’m here to simply learn, and my expectation is that perhaps I will come to a greater understanding of why I’m having these experiences, what they mean to me in my spiritual journey, and where I go from here.

    • #282014

      Hello. I’m Darko, and my primary interests are languages, literature and political science. I am here to learn, and possibly get to know some interesting people on the way.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,495 through 4,500 (of 6,418 total)
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