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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,477 through 4,482 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #283046

      Hello Everyone,

      My name is Keisha and I’m from California. I learned of the Kabballah from a friend and it piqued my interest. I am curious to know the hidden knowledge and wisdom of Kaballah. I would like to ascend higher in the spiritual realm and vibrate on a higher frequency. I’ve always known there was so much more to life but didn’t know how much or where to find it.

    • #282966

      Hi everyone,

      I have joined to further my understanding, and draw closer to the warm light of the creator.

    • #282946

      Shalom. I’m Angelo and I’m a Noahide seeking more knowledge in Jewish mysticism Kabbalah.


    • #282844

      Hay, my name is Jasper.
      Living as a nomad in Europe.
      I am interested the esoteric wisdom of life, being and the universe. I have gained some knowledge and understanding by reading and courses in Yoga, shamanism, esoteric parts of religions, psychology, healing, hermeticism. Looking forward to expansion.

    • #282774
      kenneth kimani

      Hello everyone, my name is Kenneth Kimani from Kenya.I am currently on a journey as a Noahide and I believe that coupled with the study of Kaballah my spiritual journey will be one of excitement and blessing not only for myself but for those whom I interact with everyday.Looking forward to this study.

    • #282598

      Hello, my name is Jacob and I hail from the eastern United States, age 29.

      I have been interested in learning Kabbalah for quite some time but have yet to delve deep into it, so here I am — hoping to gain further understanding into the hidden nature of G-d and the Universe (Mind). I would like to express my gratitude for this course and the fact that it is available for free. Thank you!

      So Mote it Be.

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