Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 553 through 558 (of 5,274 total)
  • Author
    • #363114

      Greetings everyone, I am Elham from Texas.

    • #363070

      Hello, my name is Linda. I live in California and have recently happened upon Kabbalah, especially as explained by Tony Kosinec. My objective is to deepen my understanding of Kabbalah and to learn how to translate the teachings / principles to my life.

    • #362997

      Hello I am Mikael from Sweden
      Long time searcher

    • #362909
      Meir Mendelsohn

      Hi my name is Meir I live in New Jersey I’m on a path to spirituality and this felt like the right time to start learning Kabbalah so here I am.

    • #362900

      Hello, my name is Priya and I am from Canada.

      I have a passion to learn about the mysteries of the Universe.

      I believe I was led here by the Creator to learn about Kabbalah.

      I am receiving synchronicities and know I am on the right path.

    • #362857

      Hello everyone! My name is Alexandra, I am Ecuadorian Dominican. I live in the beautiful Dominican Republic and the Eternal brought me to Kabbalah almost 9 years ago. I started on the left side, but very happy to study the Zohar for two years and free of literality. There are 15 of us in my study group, in which we have been studying to follow the method of Baal HaSulam since this year and that is why the Eternal gave me the desire to register in KabbalahU. Although the Spanish school does not have courses for now, I was happy to know that I can register here. I understand English but it is difficult for me to even speak it, but with the technology that exists now, that is not a problem. I hope to be able to participate in a meeting soon and that my group of friends can also join the world Kli to move forward together.



      Hola a todos!

      Mi nombre es Alexandra, soy Dominico Ecuatoriana. Vivo en la hermosa República Dominicana y el Eterno me trajo a la Kabbalah hace casi 9 años. Empecé por el lado izquierdo, pero muy feliz de estudiar el Zohar desde hace dos años y libre de literalidad. Somos 15 en mi grupo de estudio, en el que estudiamos para seguir el método del Baal HaSulam desde este año y por eso, el Eterno me dio el deseo de registrarme en KabbalahU. Aunque la escuela en español no tiene cursos por ahora, me alegró saber que puedo registrarme aquí. Entiendo el inglés pero me es dificil aun hablarlo, pero con las tecnología que hay ahora, eso no es un problema. Espero poder participar pronto en un encuentro y que mi grupo de amigos tambien pueda unirse al Kli mundial para juntos avanzar.

Viewing 6 posts - 553 through 558 (of 5,274 total)
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