Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 559 through 564 (of 5,274 total)
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    • #362855

      Hello seekers!!
      I am Mar and I was born and raised in Mexico, to be specific in the beautiful city of Puebla.
      I am a Pisces as well as a Dragon, I was born in the new era, I am a 2000 baby.

      I am currently living in Beijing China, I’ve been living here for 5 years now. I was here during the pandemic, from beginning to end, at the time I used to classify that experience as one if not the worst experience I’ve ever had to deal with, but now I see it as one of the most precious gifts I could ever receive from the Universe.

      Since I was a little kid I wondered about the most peculiar enigmas and thankfully I still do. It was not until my birthday last year that I decided to fully dive into this questions and began to take it more seriously, finding myself reading all sorts of books and documents about sacred geometry, as well as emotional DNA and how we inherit traumas cause they are in our genetic code, I have a peculiar family history and I’ve been meaning to “fix it”, fix the traumas that I believe are not even mine; therefore you find me here, seeking for answers and fully committed to finding them.

      Alrighty, that’s just a little about me and I hope I can get to know y’all better and I sincerely wish we can all find the answers we’ve been  looking for.

      Live in peace, with love and specially being FREE!!

      Sincerely, Mar.

    • #362693

      Hello everyone, am Ernest Phiri, from Zambia. Am really excited to be part of this great class. It has been my wish to learn self awareness.

    • #362691

      Hey everyone, I am Ernest Phiri, from  Zambia, and am really excited to be part of this class. It has been my wish for long to learn self awareness, so am here to learn.

    • #362672

      Hi, I am Kat. I live in Australia with my husband and two children. I have been interested in Kabbalah for a long while now. I have a few books about it, and I am really excited to take on this course.

    • #362666
      Seraj Toumaraei

      I am  seraj toumaraei im from iran

      I want to learn kabbalah

    • #362616
      Phillip Abrahams

      My name is Phil. Born Jewish in 1945,
      As a Jew and a Freemason, I jave developed interests in many esotheric philosophies including the Kabbalah. I have read many books but never followed any courses. This is my chance to change and improve on that.

Viewing 6 posts - 559 through 564 (of 5,274 total)
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