Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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    • #305789

      I’m not sure that I have. Some days I feel a sense of something deeper, but other days I have so many doubts and wonder if Kabbalah is real or if I am just trying to make myself feel better. I have just started learning about this and watching the videos brings me a great sense of comfort. I am struggling with absorbing it and understanding my life in a deeper way.

    • #305783

      I have gained a deeper understanding of life by learning the consequences of right and wrong. We are humans living on Earth to survive and find a purpose that is meaningful that serves god. The forces working in the world are the external factors of the world, such as nature, weather, the media, the internet, and all the material things.

      In conclusion, life is about gaining experience, knowledge, and wisdom to become the best version of yourself. We all must be here for a reason and I believe that it is to get to heaven.

    • #305766

      In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

      I have a greater sense that life is truly beautiful. My perception can be different than what I am being told on the news, social media, and the community at large. The more expansion I allow in my learning of Kabbalah, the more the world looks different.

    • #305733

      All I can say is that know that I know nothing. That’s the only deep understanding I have gained.

    • #305732
      Leah Bergman

      Understanding some of the limitations I have put upon myself with my thinking. Some which is generational and are patterns of thought passed down and others from culture.

    • #305666

      I have spent most of my life in self-centered pursuit of pleasure.  I have always felt this hole inside which I sought to fill with food, alcohol, etc. It would medicate the pain of that hole, but it always returned. With mitzvot and Torah I feel a fulfillment I have not known before.  However, I feel such deep sadness and regret that I spent so much of my life selfishly and I feel very ashamed before the Creator that I did not recognize His generosity toward me in my life when so many suffer.

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