Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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    • #337881
      Seamus Dolan

      Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

      Two main changes so far:-

      1. I notice how “The will to receive”, egoism, dominates my waking thoughts, sometimes to a comical degree!

      2.The understanding that all comes from the creator, both what I perceive as good and bad, is initially very disturbing, especially at this time. Definitely more work required by me on this issue but it is an inevitable consequence of this wisdom.

    • #337835
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      Shalom 🙂 I wrote this poem yesterday which encompasses my understanding.


      Illuminate in me, the degree to which I am ready to see
      The Divine Spark in me, telling me which way to go
      which seeds to sew, slow and steady until I am ready.
      My burden Your light restoring my sight, in sighting me
      to dig deeper you see.  The depths unknown how far I have grown.
      No yardstick to measure where to find the hidden treasure.
      My faith is your yolk which you cloak in me as I soak in You
      to imbue the hue with dew, transformed into a kaleidoscope of light
      for Your delight.  The Angels Rejoice when I use my voice to make
      You my first choice.

      Illuminate in me the desire to be free from thinking that’s sinking
      the ship as I strip and lay bare and share every fear in my ear
      for you to hear and separate the wheat from the weeds from seeds
      impregnated in grey matter, scattered but they never really mattered.
      Truth sets me free to be me, holy loved by my beloved. Bathed in the
      Light … restored my sight and vision as I embark on my Divine Mission.
      Submission and surrender as I render my Soul to join the whole. A hole
      in my heart to jump start ignition as we fission.

      Illuminate in me the passion the fire the flame, keep it tame and warm
      for the swarm to see Your Majesty in me.  I am the spark and You are the fire
      I enquire and it passes through the hue to you.  Divine sparks … recognition … emission.
      A purple dot marks the spot for you to bestow Divine flow and we go forth forthright and true never forgetting that it is all for You.  The light untamed and contained for our containers to fill when we get still and You fill the vessel till the chariot takes flight to Your delight as we illuminate the dark night, stars shining bright representing the light.

      Leyah, Lynette Evol Rowberry
      All Rights Reserved

      Mbabane, Kingdom of Eswatini
      23 December 2023


      • #338011

        First of all Leyah that was a beautiful poem!!!

        Seamus i loved your comment about the perception of good and bad and it is a very difficult concept to understand and personally at this moment i am having great difficulty with it.

        What i have gained so far and look forward to strengthening this, is that there is a lot more going on in ‘this’ world and by concentrating on the light more brings me calmness and i feel once i can hold the calmness for longer periods of time i will be able to be a more useful ‘vessel’ i think.

        • #338019
          Leyah Lynette Evol

          Hey Lynda

          Every experience good or bad holds light.  You wouldn’t be having the experience if it wasn’t a necessary part of your experience.  I’m speaking from my own experience.  The first thing to do is ask Divine Consciousness, Why? am I having this experience … What? has this experience come to teach me?  How? can I overcome the pain I feel in my ….  (feel into your physical body where it hurts).  Once you have the location in your body … take your consciousness to that place, our cells and organs hold information and can communicate back to us if we learn to ask the right questions… Ask and it is given.  The information you receive will be very wise (then you know you’re tapped into a consciousness beyond your own mind).  The truths you discover will help you to  overcome the discomfort with grace, ease, and joy because you emerge from the experience a wiser version of yourself.  Many experiences come to teach us about ourselves and mirror back to us our self limiting beliefs.  I hope this helps you along your path. Love and Light.

    • #337820

      I feel like every interaction is part of my path to returning to the Creator. When situations end or begin they are part of this path. I interact with others and these interactions are lessons, lessons where I can bestow and help someone jumpstart their path or lessons for me to transform into having the perception of the creator and giving outwardly to benefit the entire group, all the people. I cannot leave anyone behind. It’s calming when I feel understanding it’s not calming when I am in the midst of this perception of suffering, and it’s a gift when I remember that it’s part of my process that is individually tailored to me.

      • #338364

        Thanks Leah, i really am having trouble because of the atrocities that happened and the ongoing war in Israel. I have been to more funerals over the last 2 months than i have in my entire life. I can only manage enough light to keep me going but, i keep focusing on this will change.

    • #337678

      It is difficult to explain it in words . I noticed that there was a feeling of “togetherness” which I not had before. Also a kind of fear for the creator. According to me these things are related to each other.

    • #337642

      Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

      I would say the focus began and begins myself. I started paying more attention to my internal needs and desires that starts new every single day I wake up. The contemplation that I am in control of my physical body and mental state but my surroundings are not in my control but the force is in control of mine and everyone’s life.

    • #336982

      my perception has been limited, despite all of studying and seminars that i have been involved in over the years,

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