Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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    • #331312

      suffering is needed to correct our nature . my question is what does a new born baby diagnosed with cancer has to correct?  The Creator places greater obstacles in order to increase our capacity .  A baby does not yet have the capacity to understand. so why all this horrible pain?

      • #332030

        I am slowly understanding that, even though I am an individual soul in this realm of existence, I am a small part of the One soul. Through my learning and understanding of Kabbalah, I am starting to understand that sometimes I am the cause and sometimes I am the effect.
        What I mean by that?
        Simply put is that sometimes (due to my ego or Divine purpose) I become the cause for another soul’s correction and at other times, other souls (due to their ego or Divine purpose) become the cause for my correction… at least this is what I see and can understand till this point in my life.
        Please anyone more enlightened correct me if I am misguided in my thinking, thank you!

      • #331553

        Hi Elizabeth,

        It’s a good question. If you’re still looking for an answer, please post it in the questions forum.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #331310

      kabbalah  teaches that pain is needed in order for us to grow spiritually, however i think of a baby diagnosed with cancer, why a baby should suffer so much when his life is just beginning and has nothing to correct? or has any consciousness to understand all this? what is the purpose ?

    • #331040

      The forces in the world are a reflection of the ego or the program that I have perceived to be the reality. If that reality is in conflict with the creator, then the forces would lead to a painful life experience. My understanding of that truth, will lead me to align my ego to have a pleasant life experience.

    • #330993
      Bolevia Rambaran


      I am much better able to cope with negative influences and impacts  of every day life. I have a greater appreciation and respect for people and nature  and life in general. But with all this I  am feeling guilty.  l   have misled a lot of people  and I am not able to undo it.  why?

      Having live the greater part of my life in the Christian religion,  We have a certain belief about life and death, hell and heaven, and eternal life etc. I  now awaken to a new perspective on  the Creator and His creation. However, I am not able to share with others like myself this new perspective because their  minds are fixed  in a particular way in which they are not open to learning anything that is not in keeping with their ideology.

    • #330974

      I found the understanding, that I have an integral part to play in this world, my life is not without purpose and only I can play my part. With much study we all can be active in the transformation, the tikun, there is a deep sense of purpose, an awareness, and the observation that something is definitely happening, it’s more tangible.

    • #330943

      It is important to learn to go beyond the five senses

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