Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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    • #332602

      I am beginning to realise that everything that happens is interpreted through my perceptions and that I’m the one who ascribes labels of good or bad to situations, according to the way I perceive them to affect me, specifically my egoistic self-concern for pleasure, however defined. So my ability to “see” the true intent of events to transform my character is seriously constrained until I develop some new sensory tools that are grounded in another spiritual domain from which the intent to transform my soul originates. Since this world is presently hidden from my material sensors I can’t attain a complete understanding of the intent until I somehow begin to attune my “radar” to detect it. At times this feels like such an alien task but I can look back through my life and see times when this has actually happened, albeit briefly and elusively. Moments when I felt a “kiss from God” that connected  a sense that I was to provide something another person needed, without any communication that their need existed, until I asked whether they needed a particular thing I felt I was being “told” to give them. Turned out each time that it was something they had been crying out to God to provide. So lots of tears and hugs and a sense of real connection between both of us humans … with each other and both being hugged by God. This course has reminded me of these times and given me a wonderful “non-religious” understanding of what was happening … and what is intended to become a more common/regular state of being. I must say that would be amazing, since I’ve never experienced anything so profound, fulfilling or satisfying. Funny how I had “forgotten” these times and slipped back to seeing things through my replayed fearful filters and lost my joy and peace. Nice to be back on the path. Thank you!

    • #332165

      My understanding so far , is that the  more we align  ourselves with the will to receive  for the good of others, the more we are similar to the creator and the more everything starts to function in order to the creator´s will to give us everything at all levels. So we aim to enlarge our vessel to recieve more and more light and accept everything that happens in our life with the understanding  that those  situations, even though they may be unpleasent or may  cause us pain , are kind of a field of practice set up for us,  If we mange to receive them with certainty and acceptance they will serve us as to enlarge our vessel and  advance towards building that “receptor”we are missing . Becoming more like te creator by  “similarity  of form” in our actions , we will connect with him more and more .  We may  fail one time after the other but if we persevere , we will dismount old patters and replace them  with new ones… and since this is a gradual path. We will be in the right direction.

    • #332162
      Esther Benzaquen

      We cannot explain the example of the suffering newborn as individual growth. There are more similar cases, such as mental disorders in which consciousness is diminished or disappears. The only explanation is the growth of the people surrounding these poor people. All I can say is that it seems pretty cruel.

    • #332031

      I have understood that I’m not the source but the creation, that I exist for a purpose unknown to me but my contribution, (as seen in the will of my transformation) is a required part within the Divine Purpose of Creation even though I can’t see that at all times in my corporeal state.

    • #331986

      I have understood through these lessons so far that, we all are the desire or the will to receive. Which governs each of our decisions and actions. This is the cause of suffering because we are always moving towards “how can I fulfill myself” which is egoism. This will to receive cannot be changed but it can be guided by adding above this will to receive, the intention to bestow. In doing this it guides or actions to receive but for the sake of giving. Which then gets us closer. to adhesion with The Creator.

    • #331524

      I want to continue with the study to deeper my understanding of my life and that pain and suffering will continue to help us grow beyond the ego.

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