Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

  • This topic has 358 replies, 343 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks ago by Alina.
  • #41577

    Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

Viewing 6 posts - 133 through 138 (of 350 total)
  • Author
    • #333642
      Dennis Ibrahim

      We are individual pieces of the same soul of Adam Ha Rishon. Connecting with others and seeing them as part of me, and helping them to attain the same goal, then draw more the Upper Light into this collective vessel which then will helps us towards the final correction.

    • #333578

      It means to connect to other people. if we look for the point in the heart of other people we can connect to them on a higher level. we see the light in other people. we connect to each other and by that raise to a higher level.

    • #333441

      I would want (as best I can), to act as a CONDUIT, a pipe, to help the others by bringing and sharing (reforming) LIGHT.

      An analogy comes to mind, in which I’m using a faucet, water, a  hose, flowers, and a garden.

      The water is representing reforming LIGHT-the Upper Force

      The hose/conduit is representing “me”

      The turning on the water faucet is representing my INTENTION

      The flowers are representing the Points in the Heart of Friends

      The Garden is representing Friends” in Kabbalistic Group  

      I have an INTENTION of bringing water to the flowers in my garden.

      So I turn on the faucet, (using my altruistic INTENTION), enabling me to connect to the source of the water-the Reforming LIGHT- and the hose acts as a CONDUIT a pipe. The water begins to flow through the hose, and delivers/shares the water/LIGHT with all the flowers in my garden!  As long as the “faucet” (altruistic INTENTION) is open, the water can continue to flow endlessly!

      My INTENTION has been for the water to be used/enjoyed by the flowers (love of friends), NOT for the water to be used selfishly by me. But interestingly enough, “I”( the hose), cannot help but “feel” and “reveal” the water! The more water delivered by the hose/conduit to the garden, the more water passes that through the hose!  And it is all done without exploiting anything/anyone!

      So,  (A) as the hose, I enjoy the giving of the water to the friends and (B) I can “please” the Source/Water (which is behind the faucet waiting to be released) by connecting with and bestowing to the “flowers in the Garden”. A Win-Win situation!

      No doubt a flawed analogy: simplistic, and probably not the best way for explaining Spiritual forces and concepts, 😉 but, I find it helpful when “dealing” with the egoistic reasoning mind!


    • #333440

      We put into practice with our friends what we have learned so far and we regard them as above a ourselves.

    • #333432

      What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path? We connect as much as possible with the others who have the point in the heart so we can attract that light that reforms.  Through these interactions we achieve correction and the unification of the collective soul.

    • #333426

      Bring it on for everyone boy do we need it in our time.

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