Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

  • #41577

    Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

Viewing 6 posts - 247 through 252 (of 324 total)
  • Author
    • #289615
      David Edwards

      To help the others is to love them as myself

    • #289548

      By working with others you create a bigger connection to attract the light that reforms

    • #289494

      To help others means to show up, do my correction work, stay balanced and persist, to be there for others. To move from this isolated, separate, egoistic way of living to seeing others as myself.

    • #289256

      Helping others with the point in the heart means connecting with others on our spiritual path so that we can all help each other grow and ascend together as the single Soul that we always were.

    • #289054
      Kári Allansson

      I think that the best thing I can do is to see and scrutinize how different my egoism is from the creator’s bestowal. In that state of humility I am in much need of the light and desire it. In the state of humility I can be of use to others because the light is attracted to me.

    • #289041

      A prayer will only be heard if it is not for oneself, so only if I learn to understand the plan of creation and the desires of the friends, I can compose a genuine non-egoistic prayer that attracts the reforming light.

Viewing 6 posts - 247 through 252 (of 324 total)
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