Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

  • #28805

    Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

Viewing 6 posts - 265 through 270 (of 655 total)
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    • #313971

      Hello fellow students around the world, if this is God’s objective for us- our meaning of life, my prayer is for collective equivalence of form.  Best wishes for all, peace.

    • #313662

      I wish we all be able to get to the spiritual world together.

    • #313569

      I wish for full understanding in all things.

    • #313469

      I wish for all of our points in the heart to be reunited

    • #313393

      May you feel and recognize the peace and the love you are and the peace and the love in which you are living, and may you think and do everything with this love, in every moment forever.

      (Step back and don’t take yourself too importantly. You are the Creature and you will stay so forever. You are LIKE the Creator, but you will never be HIM. You will always be Creature. There is nothing to aspire to. In that moment, when you admit and accept this, ask the Creator what wishes He that you do here? Because only when you know that you will know what to wish.)

    • #313392

      I wish everyone victory over the evil inclination….

Viewing 6 posts - 265 through 270 (of 655 total)
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