Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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    • #317532

      Because the word ‘Creator’ implies it is only him at the Beginning.

    • #317504

      The more I become conscious that the creator is providing each of us exactly what we need to awaken, the more I want to connect and be HIS accomplice at all times, treat others with an open heart, pray for them to awaken as well, and that nothing else but HIS reality matters.

    • #317475
      Peter Hjorth

      When I try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” I try to imagine the state of the writer who wrote it. What condition was the writer in? What was the thought behind the sentence?

      I imagine a sensation of comfort, like a warm blanket wrapped around you just before you go to sleep.
      I imagine a sensation of hope, that everything is going to be alright, how could it not?
      I imagine a sensation of surrender, having total faith in the force that works upon us.


    • #317440

      I have known this statement since many years, thus i had time to think about it. It took quite long to become familiar with this truth, and even now I sometimes suddenly awake from a earthly situation and realize that there is nothing besides Him.

      At first it gives you a dizziness. Then a sensation of being miniscule, more than a nano particle. But slowly you might develop a sense of love that surrounds and embraces you, and that is very beautiful and comforting.

    • #317437

      a great question to think about for hours if not for days

      this questions runs through me at every point of the day whenever i do something or experience anything, it’s almost overwhelming how close yet so distant we have become from this amazing force

      it’s in all things yet veiled to the fullest extent

      the whole process and journey of living in this world is only to attain fully the meaning of this sentence

      to try to comprehend the ultimate love, force, great detail and bestowal in infinite ways

      which can be mind blowing just to think about it for one second so how about to absorb the full meaning

      it sounds almost impossible

      yet it’s very possible, because we are doing it. and we must do it. to ascend.

      i think i have had my answer within me the moment i was born, i just thought that i can give more than attain

      it was in front of me my whole life

    • #317420

      This question is a step up, to try imagining this, and I have not yet looked at the videos, which might feel like cheating!

      So, since everything is G-d, then I am, too, even though I have always experienced  myself as just “ME”.     Sometimes I have tried to find my inner core, & actually, I cant, it feels like underneath my physical feelings , emotions & thoughts, behind them, there is silence. Observation. From where I am now, I m taking a wild guess that G-d is also in this condition, and has created us, His creatures, so he can experience Himself.  In this wild imagining, I also imagine He takes delight as we wake up, and understand another little bit, get that much closer to G-d. And, just maybe, to the consequent union as being more conscious?

      I have always liked the saying that we are each a drop in the ocean , so how about,also :- we are the ocean in a drop?

      • #317424


        • #317667
          Tammy McHenry

          “We are the ocean in a drop”  … this is so cool!

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