Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #292662
      Natalie Dee

      I desire to learn how to recognize egoism and learn to leave it behind me in favor of unity.

    • #292262

      I am seeking sustained truth and a connection with the Creator.

    • #292194
      Tricia Cox

      knowing that people that have ego issues have so much to change in their lives, at a young age my Father taught me to accept the things that I have and to be humble about the things that are in my life and never want things unless it benefits your life and the family that you have.

    • #291834
      Tove Jo

      I like what I am learning about our ego, that it is not something bad. As we learn to use our energy, feelings to create the right harmony between us so we can feel joy and satisfaction both, or all of us as we become aware that it is by giving I am receiving.

    • #291664
      Tove Jo

      Mi aspetto di “comprendere” se la Kabbala e ciò che mi insegna ciò che mi sostiene nella mia vita.

    • #291636

      I expect that I will learn many new ideas and ways of living that I can begin to apply into my life right away. But what I want to achieve is to have complete knowledge of the Kabbalah.

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