Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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  • Author
    • #311556
      Denis Sarmento

      I expect to attain wisdom and understand the language of branches, connecting to the superior force.

    • #311554
      Peter Bradshaw

      Take control of my life and not in the hands of fate

    • #311514

      I expect clarity through definitions. I desire to achieve understanding.

    • #311463

      Even if I don’t really know what to expect, I would like to wake up and arise, to get or develop some insight into life, change perceptions, and see the reality we live in.

    • #311445

      I really don’t know what to expect, but I do hope that some measure of enlightenment is forthcoming.

    • #311443
      Dina Aronov

      My expectation for this lesson is to give me a better understanding of exactly what Kabbalah is. I desire to achieve a better meaning of life. I have come to a realization that the world we live in just doesn’t make sense and many questions are starting to arise with in me, such as what is the purpose of humanity ? why does history still repeat it self?


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